Wednesday, June 29, 2011

appBlaster iPhone accessory lets you kick AR alien butt, bubblegum not included


Gun accessories for your Wiimote or Move wands are old hat but, we can't help but be at least a little intrigued by this rifle-like dock for the iPhone. The appBlaster is an accessory from apptoyz designed specifically for use with the company's Alien Attack iOS game. Slide in your iDevice and fire up the AR shooter and you'll be treated to a bit of Piper-vision, exposing the invisible aliens in our midst. Pull the triggers and two capacitive pads touch the screen to fire at the invaders that only you can see. The appBlaster is available for pre-order now at RED5 for £19.99 (about $32) and will official hit shelves on July 7. Check out the PR after the break.

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