Saturday, August 27, 2011

Apple Store Shoppers Share Thoughts on Steve Jobs' Resignation

SF Apple Store interior

The Apple Store in downtown San Francisco was as busy as might be expected on an August afternoon in this tourist-friendly city, with shoppers sampling iPhones, iPads, and Macs even as the tech world roiled over the bombshell news that Steve Jobs has stepped down as Apple CEO.

Those shoppers who stopped to consider Jobs' legacy and the prospects for Apple going forward Thursday expressed concern for the tech icon's health but generally dismissed the notion that the company would suddenly lurch towards mediocrity because of his formal departure from day-to-day activities.

Jobs is assuming the role of chairman of Apple's board of directors. He has been succeeded as CEO by Tim Cook, the former chief operating officer who has served as the company's de facto CEO during Jobs' extended leaves of absence for health reasons in recent years.

"I think it's a very sad day but I think the legacy will live on and, you know, he's a smart guy and I'm sure he's planned his life very well," said Vin, visiting from England with his family and toting several thousand dollars' worth of Apple products as he left the Stockton Street store.

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The Apple I
1984 Mac Commercial
Apple Macintosh
Steve Jobs Returns

San Francisco Apple Store shopper Saddiq had some ideas about how Apple could remain a market leader despite the retirement of its visionary leader.

"If he's instilled the same values that he has in his people, then I don't see why Apple wouldn't continue to prosper as a company," he said, but added that Jobs' departure could "cause a shift in the company."

One customer in San Francisco had an inside scoop to share.

"Actually, I just went on a date with someone who works for Apple last night and the office was sad," said Julia Cutts, as she walked into the Apple Store a block from Union Square.

Related Story Steve Jobs Resigns: Complete Coverage

Others felt that investor worries about Apple's viability without Jobs as CEO were premature.

"I'm not too worried about it," said Dan Fitzgerald of San Francisco. "I would buy the stock today, since it went down and I think they're going to be just fine."

Tobias, visiting the Bay Area from Germany, had faith that even if Apple suffered a short-term hit on the stock market, the company "will make it all back with Tim Cook" at the helm.

Cook may be largely unknown to those who don't follow Apple closely, but Apple Store shoppers clearly had a read on him and most expressed faith in his ability to lead the company.

"With Tim being handpicked by Steve, I think it's a good succession plan," said Andrew, visiting San Francisco from Portland, Oregon. "I think as long as he carries on that vision and takes no B.S.—that's the big thing, Steve's never taken any B.S. from anybody, he treads his own path."


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