Thursday, August 11, 2011

Leaked promo video supposedly shows new Nokia WP7 phones

The Nokia Sea Ray may be expecting company - a leaked promo video shows off what is supposedly a Nokia phone powered by Windows Phone 7 and it looks different than the Sea Ray. Of course, it could be fake (though pretty well-made) or it could be some internal promo video.

Remember the first images of Nokia WP7 phone that turned out to be nothing but mockups? The video shows two models, one of which looks almost exactly like the mockups that leaked originally. The other model however is different from those and from the Sea Ray.

The two models from the leaked video

Here's the video in question:

We can't be sure that the origin of this video is Nokia (the tipster who sent it to MyNokiaBlog claimed to be from Microsoft, but sent the tip from an Ovi Mail account).

And even if it is from Nokia, we can't be sure if it's an actual device rather than a generic mockup for a promo video. The ending of the clip, which shows a futuristic device that is obviously intended for promo purposes only gives some weight to the second option.

Especially, if you compare this frame from the video with this Nokia-made mockup.

Nokia Prototype
On the left: a frame from the promo video • Nokia mockup on the right.


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