Saturday, August 27, 2011

Logitech launches Joystick for iPad, reminds us of something similar we have seen before

It looks like someone only recently bought the burgeoning tablet market to Logitech’s attention and so now they are coming out with one tablet accessory after another in quick succession to make up for the lost time. The first one was Tablet Keyboard for the iPad and Android tablets, then came the Fold-Up Keyboard for the iPad and now comes with Joystick, again exclusively or the iPad.

gsmarena 001 Logitech launches Joystick for iPad, reminds us of something similar we have seen before

The Joystick basically latches onto your iPad’s display and manipulates the virtual D-Pad on the screen. This gives better control over the game and being transparent doesn’t veil the screen content the way your non-transparent thumb does.

Having said that this isn’t the first time we are seeing something like this. Fling, for example, has the exact same joystick made for the iPad that they launched a while back. They even cost nearly the same, with Fling costing $19.95 and the Logitech costing $19.99, however, you can get a pair of Flings for just $10 more.

You can click the source link for a hands-on video of the Logitech Joystick for iPad.


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