Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Motorized Tie Rack for the pampered executive

Are you a suit and tie kind of guy? If you have answered in the affirmative, then rest assured that you should own a collection of ties that will surely turn any departmental store’s tie section to shame. How else are you going to organize the lot of your ties then? Here is an interesting idea – the $52 Motorized Tie Rack. The name itself suggests that this particular revolving tie rack will help organize your life, holding up to 64 ties at once, not to mention the ability to stash away an impressive number of belts to boot, without taking up too much space in your bedroom.

The rack will remain in place, keeping all your ties safe and secure, until you decide to go through your ever growing collection with but a single push of a button. Since it is battery-operated, it will still be able to function even when the main grid experiences a brownout. Heck, there is even a built-in light so that you can see just what kind of gaudy color combination you’re going to wear that particular Monday morning. Good thing the motor gets some rest during the weekends, no?


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