Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pac-Man Moneybox

Looking at the world’s economy, it makes perfect sense to start saving up from a young age. Well, what better way to make sure your little one is taught the value of saving up for a rainy day than to give him/her a coin box? The standard issue ones which you get from banks or the store are pretty boring, and they hardly respond – in fact, the best sound it makes would be when the porcelain porcine figure is smashed on the floor so that you can retrieve the fruit of your labor some time down the road.

Well, with the £14.99 Pac-Man Moneybox, things have changed – for the better, I might add. Who doesn’t know Pac-Man? This iconic arcade character from the 1980s is more than happy to have you drop your collection of loose change inside, where each coin dropped will see him respond his trademark “wakka-wakka” sound bite. All you need to do is make sure there aren’t any of those nasty ghosts around, waiting to swoop down on your coin collection when you’re not looking! Needless to say, make sure there are three AAA batteries inside if you want the Pac-Man Moneybox to respond accordingly.


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