Monday, August 15, 2011

Tech Icons Reflect on PC's 30th Anniversary

Big Thoughts From Big People on the 30th Birthday of the IBM PC

The IBM PC turns 30 today. Over those three decades the notion of personal computer has evolved greatly, spawning entire industries. From smartphones to tablets to "the cloud," the PC was the idea that created them all. Thirty years ago, the idea that we'd all be walking around with wallet-size computers was something out of science fiction. Now it's simply Tuesday.

Although we're celebrating the birthday of a machine today, it's important to remember that machines don't think, innovate, or create new paradigms (at least not yet). People still do that stuff, and we have a lot of them to thank for the many forms of personal computing that have emerged over the last 30 years. PCMag spoke to several technology icons, innovators, and thought leaders on this special anniversary to ask them their thoughts on the PC and what it's meant to the world.

30th Anniversary of the PC

From industry-defining software to highly specialized hardware, the contributions from the people represented here are as impressive as they are varied. For every person, we asked the same three questions: What was the biggest innovation for personal computing in the last 30 years? How has personal computing changed people's lives for the better? What do you see happening in personal computing over the next 30 years?

Although everyone's answers are different, there are common themes. Mobile computing, with its emphasis on could computing is an oft-cited ongoing trend. The arrival of the Internet is seen by many as when the PC truly became what it promised to be. And the PC's benefits to productivity are brought up time and again—usually in a positive light. And a few of our guests boldly predicted what PCs will be like 30 years in the future.


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