Thursday, September 1, 2011

Android 3.2 Honeycomb SDK now released, new APIs now available to developers

Google has just announced that the latest version of the Android SDK in now available to developers. Classified as a minor feature update, the new Android SDK brings, as usual, a new set of APIs that should allow developers to create better apps that are compatible with a wider range of devices.

gsmarena 001 Android 3.2 Honeycomb SDK now released, new APIs now available to developers

The focus of the SDK update is mainly on making compatibility with different screen sizes and resolutions easier. Previously Android 3.2 was said to be the Honeycomb version best suited to 7″ tablets and now you can see why – it’s just that it will be much easier to developers to make apps that fit better on those now.

The 3.2 SDK also brings the compatibility zoom mode for fixed-sized apps, which works as digital zoom for apps that are only compatible with one resolution by default. Finally there’s also the media sync for SD card, so developers will finally be able to put those microSD card slots to good use.


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