It's powered by a Qualcomm chipset with an 800MHz CPU, 512MB RAM and Adreno 200 graphics. Unfortunately the CPU uses ARMv6 architecture (just like the Optimus One processor), which means no support for the Flash plugin, the Android version of Firefox and other apps that require ARMv7 processors.
LG Univa hands-on photos
The screen of the Univa E510 measures 3.5" and has HVGA resolution. That makes it bigger than both the Optimus One and the Optimus Net screens. The camera is a 5MP snapper, again better than what the One and the Net have to offer. Screen and camera aside, the Univa and Optimus Net look pretty close though.
The LG Univa E510 is reportedly well-built, a bit more compact than an HTC Desire S, but on the heavy side. On the upside, the 1500mAh battery does quite well.
You can check out the hands-on over at (note that it's in Norwegian). The LG Univa E510 will launch in Q4 according to a leaked roadmap.
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