Thursday, September 8, 2011

Atari Arcade Duo-Powered Joystick for the iPad

Since a lot of users want to use their iPad for games, Atari thought that they could make an accessory for that.

I suppose it is an effort from the company to make gaming as old-school as possible for the company’s old-school titles. For example, you can get a lot of 2600 games on Atari’s Greatest hits iPad App like Asteroids, Centipede, Missile Command and even more.

Of course, the 2600 joystick had only one button, and this guy has four. The joystick is also a different look than the old school console system, but the ball on the top is welcome. Perhaps you can get an attachment for a trackball like the Centipede arcade game of yore (actually, it was the early eighties).

This Atari Arcade Duo Joystick has been making the rounds on tech and gadget blogs, and most of them have been making comparisons to the iCade. The iCade definitely has the arcade-style video game set up and this product is available at ThinkGeek for a price of $99.99.

As for Atari’s tabletop iPad gaming accessory, there doesn’t seem to be a price out as such. It would be good if word gets out on a price of this, especially if it is lower than the iCade.


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